It’s All About You…

In a world full of the hustle & bustle... You're working a 9-5 job, in high school or a stay-at-home Mom..? The stresses & cares of life tend to become overwhelming. Distracting us away from the beauty & joy that's before our eyes! But let's not stop there, when We can always: "Stop & smell the roses!" Or in this case, "Stop & capture the moment!"

Like when your child took their first steps... A kiss, hug, or laugh from a loved one... Or even your daughter's first date?! Those are some irreplaceable times & can't be taken back! Unless you as the phrase goes: “Stop & take a picture, it'll last longer!" & being able to cherish those memories forever!

When 6 months, 3 years, or even 10 years have gone by... You'll be going through some old family pictures etc... But you come across that one special photo you forgot about. Putting you into tears... Reminding you of the "good ole days" & giving you so much joy! It's in times like that you can recall on & be thankful for every moment that God has blessed you with! When life is but a vapor, here one moment. Gone the next!

All that being said, here's My conclusion...

My job is to make you feel comfortable, unique & altogether who God is transforming you to be! So I pray that you see even in this high-tech age We live in..? Photos are still important & relevant today! Knowing that through it all...